iVESDA is a downloadable application that can be installed on Android and iOS handheld devices to monitor and maintain VESDA-E systems with unprecedented ease. iVESDA is also compatible with existing VESDA detectors residing on the same VESDAnet as VESDA-E. iVESDA provides detailed alarm, fault and other status information such as smoke trends, airflow, filter life, as well as viewing of important configuration parameters such as pipes in use and smoke alarm thresholds.
- Downloadable�from GooglePlay store
- Compatible with Android and iOS handheld devices
- Supports VESDA-E and existing VESDA�detectors residing on the same VESDAnet
- Provides detailed alarm and fault status as well as smoke trends
- Allows viewing of important configuration parameters such as pipes in use and smoke alarm thresholds
- Configuration capability for the entire VESDA system and�event log retrieval (future release).